The prospect of spring cleaning can be quite overwhelming for facility and cleaning staff, particularly for larger properties.
Here are a few basic tips for an effective spring-cleaning procedure:
Inspect the areas to clean:
Before completing any spring cleaning, it is helpful to note down the more challenging areas of the facility. Smaller problems can develop into bigger and more expensive issues if they aren’t addressed straight away, so be sure to complete a very thorough examination of all areas and bring your janitorial team along with you. It’s always a good idea to have an expert to point out potential problems you may not have noticed.
At the end of winter, there are several areas more prone to wear and tear. Colder temperatures, additional moisture, and ice melt brought in from outside can cause damage to many different surfaces and materials. The following are problem areas that you need to pay special attention to:
- Light switches
- Storage shelves
- Tiles and grout
- Ceilings
- Corner guards
- Doors and cabinets
- Fire extinguishers
- Flooring tiles
Deep clean problematic areas:
Flooring often takes the heaviest toll from the winter season , and it is essential to deep clean all hard floor surfaces such as hardwood, concrete, and tile at least once a year and more frequently in entryways, hallways, washrooms and other high traffic areas.
Using a professional janitorial team is usually the easiest and most effective way to complete a deep clean of your commercial property. The salt, grime, and snow tracked indoors during the winter months causes damage to surfaces and fixtures , and these professionals will assist you in identifying areas needing additional care or repair.
Don’t forget the exterior:
Cement work and wood are very susceptible to damages during the winter season, particularly around main entrances, and any other areas with heavy foot traffic. Outside of structural repairs, sweeping and spraying-down exterior footpaths, cleaning windows, and standard building maintenance can vastly improve the perception of your business from the outside. It’s also important to clean off your roof and inspect it for damage as well.
Air Quality:
Cooling systems are usually not used during winter, meaning they are liable to build up dust and dirt, which can consequentially cause mal-odours, greater numbers of allergens, less efficiency and potentially even unit failure.
To avoid your business being impacted by A/C issues during the summer months, it’s always a good idea to test the units before you need them.
Shop cleaning supplies for your Spring Clean here